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Life Above the Curve

Join the rebellion and break free from the rat race.

What if you've been deceived - living a counterfeit connection to time?

Time Rebel - swoosh

There is a different way to live - free from striving, performance mentality and stress... it's time to rebel against broken systems and live on purpose!

Take back your time.



is when you break-free from obligatory living, people pleasing, guilt, comparison and insecurity... and you start living as you were uniquely designed to in your true identity, purpose and a lifestyle that helps you thrive.


You were made for more than striving and survival mode. Your true strengths may never shine if you don't expand your capacity and start living from a place of peace and strength.

Clarity & Focus

It is vital to your success to get crystal clear on your priorities so every day there is ease in focus and actions will naturally follow - free from overwhelm.


Time Rebel is a counter-cultural movement redefining our relationship with time.

As these lessons are embraced and applied to individuals, teams, companies and communities - it can foster healthy change and drive immeasurable wins!

Paradigm Shift

It's time for a reality check on your relationship with time. Time is a gift to be stewarded, not a limit or constraint we battle against.

Priority Filter

Realign your decisions and how you spend your time to reflect your true priorities and empower your "YES" and your "NO."  Keep your life calibrated to True North.

Affirmations & Gratitude

In a world saturated in negativity, you must declare truthful affirmations and gratitude over your days to maintain healthy perspective.

Primary Focus

Discover the power of setting your focus each day before your feet hit the ground.  Ditch the endless to-do list and discover momentum when you have a singular goal to the day!

Self-Care & Fun

To love and lead others, we must first love ourselves.  How often to you allow yourself to drop to the bottom of the priority list? These behaviors and self-sabotage cycles must end, you are worth so much more!

Celebrate Wins

Rarely do you stop and recognize your greatness and all you achieve.  Discover the satisfaction and delight in regularly celebrating wins for yourself and those around you.

Discover 7-daily steps to simplify and focus your life.

Created by a veteran life and leadership coach, Layla Fay, this lifestyle tool is designed to support you at your best. You will gain affirmation of your identity, strategy in your purpose and fresh empowerment in decision making. 


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Time Rebel 90 Day Planner mockup

Hi! I’m Layla, a business coach and change agent.

Time Rebel has been created from my own personal pain points. By many standards I am a typical first born, type-A driven individual who takes on more than they need to, often sacrificing their best to a cause or perceived obligations. While you may not be wired the same as me, the life lessons I’ve learned and the paradigm shifts I’ve walked out are sure to resonate with your own personal journey.  I am writing this out that you too may experience some reality checks and shifts in your perspective that will empower you to exchange the hustle and bustle of the modern rat race for a truly liberating and supernatural lifestyle that redefines and realigns your life to your God-given design and purpose - fully free from performance, perfectionism and striving.


What Others Are Saying

  • The Time Rebel 90-Day Planner has helped give me so much clarity and organization of thought and planning, with how I'm able to structure my time between the quarter, month, and days. Being able to block off overall days and plan ahead through the quarter for my business and break down these goals into smaller increments over weeks and days has made everything feel more doable. Marking the wins and tracking my goals gives me something to look back on and celebrate. I highly recommend this planner, because, as a tool, it puts you in the driver seat of planning your tasks, goals, and blocking off time as you need to. 

    Kayla Haliski

    Brand Strategist

  • Having the supportive perspective of someone who wants to help me work through what is swirling around in my mind has allowed for me to gain focus in the midst of daily fires. I'm doing better on my follow through with my goals and commitments.

    Josiah Dorr

    Information & Reporting Specialist

  • As a busy wife and mom, I had started to feel like I was losing myself and my own goals and dreams. I met Layla- and my life has literally been shifting ever since! I now have more of a direction of specific goals and planning for my life and business.

    Stormie VanPatten

    Director of Development

  • Layla is exceptionally good at helping people organize their thoughts into a cohesive strategy; you have a warm inclusive energy about you that makes people feel loved and supported; and you have a contagious enthusiasm that gets people excited about life!

    Julie Cockburn

    Author - Taste of the Place

  • The work you are doing is changing the culture of our city! You have an amazing gift of calling out the GOLD you see in others. You truly turn heads with your smile, joyful spirit, and hopeful language. The world needs that desperately, and I am inspired to do the same!

    Jess Dawley

    Artist - Joy Scout Paint Parties

  • From the first moment I met Layla in person I knew she was gifted in her work and had a special ability to see the hearts of those she was with and encourage them to live to their fullest potential.   I have gone to her events and I have been so filled by them, benefiting from your wisdom and inspiration. There are lots of "life coaches" out there, but Layla has a special talent and gifting for what she does.  I highly recommend her.

    Ranae Staley

    The Giving Plate Director